RAAHUI 2021 #4

This week we will be reading

Epeli Hauofa's We are the ocean (selected works)

Please email [email protected] to get a PDF copy

Photo below: An image of Epeli Hau'ofa's We are the ocean: selected works

RAAHUI 2021 #3

This week we will be reading

Jodi A Byrd's The Transit of Empire

Please email [email protected] to get a PDF copy

Photo below: Image of Jodi A Byrd's The Transit of Empire

RAAHUI 2021 #2

This week we will be reading

Goori Reader #1
History, Memory and the Role of Cultural Organisations in Entrenching Colonisation in Australia and Beyond by Dr Gary Foley

Please email [email protected] to get a PDF copy

Photo below: Image of Goori Reader No.1 by Dr. Gary Foley

RAAHUI 2021 #1

This week we will be reading

James Baldwin's The Fire Next time

You can download the pukapuka here

Photo below: Image of writer James Baldwin on the cover of his book, The Fire Next Time


This month we are reading

Jasbir K. Puar's The Right to Maim: Debility, Capacity, Disability

You can download the pukapuka here

Photo below: An image of the cover of Jasbir K Puar's The Right to Maim: Debility, Capacity, Disability


This month we will be reading

The history of Maaori activism as outlined by Ranginui Walker in Ngā Pepa a Ranginui (The Walker Papers)

You can download this pukapuka here

Photo below: An image of Ranginui Walker wearing a cap and sunglasses on the cover of his book, Ngā Pepa A Ranginui The Walker Papers


This month we will be reading

Antonio Gramsci's The Prison Notebooks

You can download this pukapuka here

To listen to our conversation with Wellington based writer, Giovanni Tiso on Antonio Gramsci

The podcast is available here

Photo below: Heavy black brushstrokes on the cover of Antonio Gramsci's Selections from the Prison Notebooks


To begin this year we will be reading
The introduction and first chapter
by Te Arawa and Ngaati Awa academic, Dr Maria Bargh.

Please email [email protected] to get a PDF copy

In the following panui club in Poutuu te tangi we will send out a podcast between ourselves and Bargh discussing this work

The podcast is also available here

Photo below: The silhouette of a soldier holding a heavy artillery rifle and wearing a cap in the background is a pink and purple coloured skyon the cover of A Hidden Economy: Māori in the privatised military industry

Kei te pai press Kei te pai press Kei te pai press